Bathtub Bliss
/There are certainly some wonderful bathtub choices available now, and few things can rival the restorative pleasure of a long, leisurely soak in a tub after a hectic day. Current trends for master bathrooms lean towards deeper, freestanding soaker bathtubs, no longer necessary to be placed against a wall. Wherever these stylish tubs are situated in a room, they look beautiful and elegant from all views.
Other bathtub choices include those designed to be used with surrounds made of tile, quartz, marble, or a host of other finishes. These would include drop in models, ideal for alcoves and available in a multitude of sizes, or stylish undermount tubs, which have a seamless, flat top edge and appear to be “built in” to the top slab.
Of course, the traditional combination of a tub and shower is still available with modern upgrades. These often suit smaller spaces or secondary bathrooms where size, cost, and practicality are main considerations. Adding stylish fixtures can make a huge difference to a simple bathtub and shower.
There are limitless options for upgraded features to bathtubs, including multiple jets, elaborate lighting, hydrothermal therapy, audio features, and an endless list of other possibilities. Of course, the more “bells and whistles” included, the more the Client can expect to pay for these extraordinary tubs.
A great idea when considering a new bathtub, is to visit a supplier showroom. Here you can consider and compare various style options, view fixturing, and often even “sit” a tub to see if the size is correct for your needs! After all, a new bathtub is one of the largest visual components of your renovated bathroom, and one of the greatest pleasures you will enjoy!
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