Vancouver Fall Home Show Coming Soon

Clearly autumn is nearly here.  The cooler, rainy days have returned, kids are back at school and the days are getting shorter. Seems like autumn, by its very nature, causes us to turn our attention towards our interior spaces and cozying up our homes.  It’s the perfect time to be thinking about that bathroom renovation you have been considering, and the ideal timing to ensure its completion before the holidays are here! 

Again, this year WE DO BATHROOMS will have a booth at the Vancouver Fall Home Show, which runs from October 18 – 21 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.  Why don’t you plan to stop by and meet with us, perhaps bring a sketch or a photo of your bathroom and together we can discuss the renovation options you are considering.  It’s a perfect time to get inspired, consider all your possibilities and take a step towards the perfect bathroom you have always wanted. 

We will be located at Booth 1140, and we look forward to meeting you!

Photo by adogslifephoto/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by adogslifephoto/iStock / Getty Images