Bring Your Bathroom Renovation Dreams to the Vancouver Home Show
/The BC Home and Garden Show at the BC Place Stadium in Vancouver is happening again this year on February 20 to 24, 2019. Here you can get inspired with new ideas to upgrade your home and outdoor spaces, plus enjoy an opportunity to chat with experts about practically any project you plan to undertake.
This year you can find the WE DO BATHROOMS team at Booth #1343, ready to meet with you to discuss your bathroom remodeling plans. Whether you live in White Rock, Surrey, Coquitlam, Burnaby, Richmond, Vancouver, or one of the many other neighboring areas, we will be excited to work with you on your bathroom renovation project! We hope to see you at the show, and a reminder that you can save $2.00 by purchasing your tickets online by visiting the Vancouver Home and Garden Show website!
Photo by ollegN/iStock / Getty Images