Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

As is the case with any renovation, the devil is in the details!  One of the “noses on the face” of your bathroom is the mirror you choose. It will likely be placed prominently above the vanity and can enhance the of luxurious feel of your room!  There are so many choices when it comes to mirrors, including the shape, size and framing finish.  They will each dictate a “look” in your renovated bathroom, as well as fill a very important utilitarian role!

Most often our clients will choose a “matching framed mirror” for their project.  In other words, our cabinet maker will create a beautiful frame that will coordinate with the custom vanity.  He will skillfully paint or stain it to match the other woodwork in your bathroom, resulting in a stunning, unified look.  Next, we will have the mirror
component fabricated by a glass company, specifically for your project.  It is up to the client to choose the size preferred, although typically mirrors extend the entire length of the vanity.  When more than one sink is installed, another option is to have two mirrors located over each sink. 

Another mirror style that is growing in popularity is the “front-lit style”, which offers built in LED lighting helpful for applying make-up, shaving, and other close up tasks.  These come in pre-determined sizes, and offer a very modern, clean look to your room. 

Of course, there are frames available in a wide variety metals, sizes and endless styles.  You may wish to have a beveled edge or perhaps a pivoting design.  For others, a practical “medicine cabinet” style is a must!  As with most things, the options are limitless!  Before choosing, consider the ambiance you wish to have in your room when your renovation is complete, the functionality of the mirror, and the type of lighting you will be installing.  The right mirror choice can greatly enhance your bathroom and customize it to reflect your personal style!